Mrs. Hodsdon/Mrs. Cook
A Little About Me: Tonya Hodsdon
My favorite treat is: white peppermint mochas and peanut butter cups.
I always go to Starbucks when I need a good cup of coffee/tea.
I love to eat at Subway.
Anything in Blue makes me happy.
When I'm not at school I really enjoying reading, sewing
When I need to relax I read, do crossword puzzles
For retail therapy I love going to Aunt Bees, Amazon.
A Little About My Job:
We can never have too many of sticky notepads and pens.
I always run out of Sticky notes. Gift Cards to Amazon always come in handy.
A Little About Me: Tracy Cook
My favorite treat is: Chocolate anything!
I always go to Starbucks when I need a good cup of coffee/tea.
I always cheer on my favorite team the OSUBeavers!.
When I'm not at school I really enjoying doing Crafts and Watching Movies.
When I need to relax I Read.
For retail therapy I love going to Craft Warehouse.
A Little About The Office:
We can never have too many of Pens and Sticky Notes and Paper Pads.
I always run out of Paper Clips and Pens.
The Office would be even better if I had Fun Band-Aids! .
Gift Cards to Starbucks! or Staples always come in handy.
Other things we need:
Any fun office supplies are always nice!
My favorite treat is: white peppermint mochas and peanut butter cups.
I always go to Starbucks when I need a good cup of coffee/tea.
I love to eat at Subway.
Anything in Blue makes me happy.
When I'm not at school I really enjoying reading, sewing
When I need to relax I read, do crossword puzzles
For retail therapy I love going to Aunt Bees, Amazon.
A Little About My Job:
We can never have too many of sticky notepads and pens.
I always run out of Sticky notes. Gift Cards to Amazon always come in handy.
A Little About Me: Tracy Cook
My favorite treat is: Chocolate anything!
I always go to Starbucks when I need a good cup of coffee/tea.
I always cheer on my favorite team the OSUBeavers!.
When I'm not at school I really enjoying doing Crafts and Watching Movies.
When I need to relax I Read.
For retail therapy I love going to Craft Warehouse.
A Little About The Office:
We can never have too many of Pens and Sticky Notes and Paper Pads.
I always run out of Paper Clips and Pens.
The Office would be even better if I had Fun Band-Aids! .
Gift Cards to Starbucks! or Staples always come in handy.
Other things we need:
Any fun office supplies are always nice!